Super fun day in the park tie-dying personalized towels!
Just in time for summer, several families joined us as we personalized white, organic cotton towels using duct tape to 'write' out our names.
Once the tape was applied and secure, spray bottles filled with all of the colors of the rainbow (plus pink) were used to decorate the towels in any pattern imaginable.
We let the towels dry in the sun and then packed them up into a bag to sit for 24 hours. When the 24 hours were up, the towels were rinsed and washed.
Now the families have personalized towels to enjoy all summer and beyond!
Such a fun, easy craft project! Thank you to everyone that participated! I hope you love your towels as much as I do!
I didn't take pictures of all of the towels, but here are a few pictures from the event:
And here is one of our towels after being washed:
